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Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry   Volumes    Volume 1 
Advances and trends in the theory of electrode processes in pulse techniques
Jesus Galvez
Pages: 37 - 54
Number of pages: 18
Current Topics in Analytical Chemistry
Volume 1 

Copyright © 1998 Research Trends. All rights reserved


This review discusses the theoretical treatments used to derive the equations that govern the responses for electrode processes in pulse techniques. In general, numerical and analytical methods can be used to describe the characteristics of these responses. Analytical solutions, when available, are more suitable because they allow us to determine more easily the influence of the different parameters on the behavior of the system. Among the analytical procedures, the Laplace transform and the dimensionless parameters method are the most appropriate. A comparative survey of both procedures has been performed. This has shown that the two methods lead to the same expressions for simple systems. However, these methods provide solutions which can not be compared directly for more complex systems. Thus, equations obtained by using the Laplace transform involve integral expressions which can not be solved analytically. Conversely, the expressions obtained with the dimensionless parameters method involve infinite power series. In many cases these last expressions can be managed more easily for quantitative kinetic data analysis. This fact has been illustrated by comparing the different expressions derived by applying the Laplace transform and the dimensionless parameter method for a slow charge transfer reaction in double potential step. In any case, the values of the current computed from the equations obtained with both procedures are in excellent agreement, and this confirm the validity of these methods. Problems that remain unsolved in the treatment of electrode processes in pulse techniques have also been discussed.

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