ABSTRACT Tabanids (Family Tabanidae, Diptera) mechanically transmit important pathogenic organisms such as bovine leukemia virus (BLV), lentivirus, pathogen of equine infectious anemia, and Trypanosoma evansi, pathogen of Surra. Nzi traps were modified by incorporating permethrin-impregnated netting (Olyset net) instead of plain nylon organdy in the trap canopy as a labor-saving strategy. The Olyset net Nzi trap and the normal Nzi trap captured nearly the same numbers of Tabanus nipponicus, the main vector of BLV in northern Japan. In contrast to a few individuals that were knocked down in the normal Nzi trap, most flies that entered the trap were knocked down to the bottom of the Olyset net Nzi trap, eliminating the need for any collecting device, a major labor-saving feature. Altogether, the use of Olyset net Nzi trap is an effective new strategy against tabanids that transmit diseases such as bovine leukemia.
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