ABSTRACT This study investigated the viscoelastic properties of plantain-wheat instant noodle dough. The plantain-wheat composite flour in the ratios 0:100, 5:95, 10:90, 15:85, 20:80 and 25:75 were processed into instant noodle dough. The viscoelastic properties of the instant noodle dough were investigated using a HAAKE Viscometer 500 (Thermo Fisher Scientific Pty Ltd. D-76227 Karlsruhe, Germany). The data obtained were fitted into five existing rheological models. The data obtained was analyzed descriptively and inferentially using Turkey’s post-hoc test (GraphPad Prism version 4.00) for Windows and Design Expert Software. The results showed that percentage substitution of wheat with plantain flour affected the viscoelastic properties of the dough. The data obtained would provide valuable information for industries in process control and design of plantain-wheat instant noodle.
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