ABSTRACT Touch-down directed amplification of minisatellite DNA polymerase chain reaction (Td-DAMD-PCR) technique was employed to investigate DNA genetic diversity among 10 Salvia (S. judaica Boiss, S. viridis var. horminum L., S. officinalis L., S. palaestina Bentham, S. syriaca L., S. pinardi Boiss, S. lanigera Poiret, S. ceratophylla L., S. dominica L. and S. spinosa L.) along with Stachys nivea L. species (used as outside reference) grown in Syria. The total of 203 DNA fragments generated by Td-DAMD-PCR marker using 19 DAMD primers were scored, of which 201 (99.015%) were polymorphic with a mean polymorphic information content (PIC) average of 0.298 and a mean marker index (MI) average of 3.166. Dendrogram of Salvia species generated by Td-DAMD-PCR data using Unweighted Pair Group Mean Arithmetic average (UPGMA) analysis revealed that Salvia species were divided into two main clusters, the first cluster involved S. judaica, whereas, the second one involved the remaining Salvia species, of which S. officinalis was distinct from the other Salvia species. The present study highlighted high DNA genetic diversity (P% of 99.015%) among the studied Salvia species. Thus, Td-DAMD-PCR marker could be considered as an effective and potent marker to genetically discriminate Salvia species.
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