ABSTRACT Chrysophyllum albidum seed was subjected to soxhlet extraction with N-hexane. The seed cake (CASC) obtained was analyzed for pasting properties and amino acid profile while the metal composition, fatty acid profile, unsaponifiable matter and lipid classes of the oil (CASO) were evaluated through standard analytical techniques. Glutamic acid, Aspartic acid, Leucine, Arginine and Alanine were the major amino acids in CASC. Glutamic acid (7.57 g/100 g) was the most abundant amino acid followed by Aspartic acid (6.64 g/100 g) while Tryptophan (0.47 g/100 g) was the least. The ratio of essential to non-essential amino acids in CASC was found to be 0.78. The pasting properties measured using the rapid visco analyzer (RVA) revealed high pasting temperature (70.93 oC), peak time (6.20 min), peak viscosity (2475.00 ± 6.92 RVU (Rapid viscosity units)) and final viscosity (2553.00 ± 15.58 RVU). Ca (455.50 ± 5.00 ppm) and Mg (122.09 ± 0.90 ppm) were the most abundant minerals in CASO. The unsaponifiable matter, saponification and iodine values in CASO were 17.57 ± 0.04%, 209.15 ± 8.03 mgKOH/g and 209.15 ± 8.03 mg/I2/g, respectively. Oleic acid (40.95%), Linoleic acid (26.92%), Palmitic acid (18.79%) and Stearic acid (7.686%) were the abundant fatty acids in CASO. The total saturated fatty acid was found to be 29.77% while the total unsaturated fatty acid was 70.23%. This shows that CASO is highly unsaturated. Neutral lipids (92.28%) were the major constituent of CASO. Hydrocarbons, squalene, alpha-ergostenol, Stigmasta-7, 25-dien-3-ol, cholest-7-ene-3-ol, Silane and alpha-tocopherol were found in the oil. The results suggest the possible industrial application of CASO.
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