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Trends in Statistical Physics   Volumes    Volume 2 
Cellular networks: characterising disorder in froths
H.J. Ruskin, Y. Feng
Pages: 131 - 152
Number of pages: 22
Trends in Statistical Physics
Volume 2 

Copyright © 1998 Research Trends. All rights reserved

Cellular networks arise frequently in nature, e.g. as grains in metal, as cells in biological tissues, as bubbles in soap froths and foams and so on. In a two-dimensional froth, the absence of local symmetry constraints, (disorder), leads to a partition of the plane by irregular polygons, which are unstable and which evolve to more stable configurations through a series of local topological transformations, (namely neighbour-switching and cell disappearance). Studies of the properties of soap froths can be summarised in terms of laws describing the statistics of cell area, the growth rate of cells, correlation functions and equilibrium behaviour, and can be investigated by monitoring froth evolution over time, providing useful insight on the general class of cellular networks. Theoretical “mean-field” studies rely minimally on correlation between cells and most early work on 2-D froths found dynamic scaling to be universal. However, not all froths appeared equally well-behaved with a number exhibiting anomalies at an early stage of the evolution, explained as the effects of a transient period. Work on defects in froth structure indicated that the scaling state was not always achieved and, in particular, noted that the amount and type of initial disorder was influential in determining transient features. Very recently, a specific class of froths has been studied, which can be constructed by recursively adding successive layers of cells around a germ cell. Such froths are designated shell-structured inflatable, (SSI). The recursive procedure or logistic map was found to apply to both 2-D and 3-D froths, (with the latter traditionally much less tractable due to structural complexity). In particular, investigation of the statistical properties of 2-D froths in terms of their shell-structure, has indicated that there are strong long-range correlation effects, implying that independent bubble approaches are not particularly realistic. While the absence of repetitive patterns makes the characterisation of disordered structures a difficult task, the shell approach also provides a theoretical basis for three-dimensional investigation of froth properties and some features of SSI and non-SSI froths are discussed for different levels of effective disorder. Three- dimensional evolution has also been the focus of renewed interest in the light of recent experiments. A linear growth law for ensembles of bubbles has been established and the theoretical problem of partitioning three-space into equal volumes using surfaces of minimal area has attracted considerable attention. These further developments are briefly summarised.
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