ABSTRACT NOT AVAILABLE INTRODUCTION SECTION OF THE ARTICLE Solvent extraction of metal ions was initiated in as early as 1842 by Peligot who extracted uranium from nitric acid solution by ether. After the Second World War, the solvent extraction technique achieved great advances not only in the field of analytical applications but also in the commercial applications to hydrometallurgy and nuclear industry, accompanied by the developments of a variety of extracting reagents with excellent selectivity to special metal ions. At present, it is very difficult to find any kind of metals which have no relation with solvent extraction in both fields.For the development or molecular design of new reagents, information of mechanisms of extraction reactions which can be obtained through the investigations on extraction kinetics are indispensable. Therefore, a great number of works have been conducted on the kinetics and mechanism of solvent extraction of metal complexes to date. In the present review articles, we introduce our investigations on the kinetics of solvent extraction of palladium(II) from chloride media.
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