ABSTRACT Varroa destructor Anderson & Trueman, is considered as a major problem for the beekeeping sector, not only for Apis mellifera L. in Algeria but also worldwide. In cases of no control it can cause severe problems that may end in the death of honeybee colonies. Fluvalinate is the predominant compound used in Algeria to control V. destructor, its constant application has caused the appearance of resistant mite populations to this product in several parts of the world. This study was conducted to detect the possible existence of populations of resistant mites to fluvalinate in the area north-center of Algeria. To determine the mites mortality percentage to the fluvalinate, they were exposed to strips of 2.5 x 1.0 cm. Varroa mortality in apiaries treated with fluvalinate was 41.23%, lower than the 81.51% mortality obtained in apiaries that only received an alternative treatment. A significant difference (P > 0.05) was found between two mortality of Varroa. These results show for the first time the existence of Varroa destructor populations resistant to fluvalinate in Algeria. These results are essential for beekeeping sector not only in Algeria but also in Africa since very little data is available on this issue in the northern parts of Africa.
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