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β-chloroethylamines discriminate between two distinct subtypes of M3-cholinoceptors, α1-adrenoceptors and histamine H1-receptors
Pages 1 -
Issei Takayanagi, Katsuo Koike
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Molecular mechanisms of lidocaine and related drugs on Na channels
Pages 35 -
Takashi Ban, Hideaki Sada
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Nitric oxide and nephrotoxicity
Pages 51 -
María Reverte, José M. Valdivielso, José M. López-Novoa
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Physiological comparison of semen and spermatozoa in birds
Pages 59 -
Noboru Fujihara
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Ethanol-related cytotoxicity catalyzed by CYP2E1-dependent generation of reactive oxygen intermediates in transduced Hep G2 cells
Pages 67 -
Qi Chen, Arthur I. Cederbaum
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Staphylokinase as a new thrombolytic agent
Pages 77 -
Shigeru Ueshima, Osamu Matsuo
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Human umbilical artery: endothelium, hypoxia and the response to 5-hydroxytryptamine
Pages 85 -
Sergio De Moraes, Mateus Teixeira Cavalcante, Jose Carlos C. Carvalho, Roberto Simão Mathias
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Induction of proto-oncogene expression in liver cells: role of early genes in signal transduction
Pages 103 -
Claudia González-Espinosa
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Synaptic modulation of ganglionic transmission in dog cardiac sympathetic ganglia
Pages 115 -
K. Kushiku, T. Katsuragi, T. Furukawa
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Genetically engineered animal models of obesity and body weight regulation
Pages 123 -
Akio Inui, Mineko Fujimiya, Takafumi Sakai
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Mechanistic aspects in the hepatic uptake of long chain free fatty acids, bile acids and non-bile acids cholephilic organic anions
Pages 137 -
Adriana Mónica Torres
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Molecular mechanism of β-adrenergic modulation of cardiac sodium current
Pages 145 -
Katsushige Ono, Makoto Arita
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Nitric oxide and neurodegenerative diseases
Pages 157 -
Toshio Nakaki, Akira Mishima, Tomoko Fujii, Eiji Suzuki, Futoshi Shintani
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Transcriptional modulation by excitatory amino acid signals in the brain
Pages 165 -
Yukio Yoneda, Kiyokazu Ogita, Yasutaka Azuma
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The role of autoreceptors in initiation of release
Pages 177 -
H. Parnas, M. Linial, I. Parnas
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Regulation of G protein-coupled receptors by specific receptor kinases and arrestins
Pages 193 -
Michele Sallese, Luisa Iacovelli, Antonio De Blasi
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Pharmacological control of solid tumor metastases by ruthenium complexes
Pages 207 -
Gianni Sava, Alberta Bergamo
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Mechanism of neurotransmitter release induced by amphetamine derivatives: pharmacological and toxicological aspects
Pages 217 -
M. Gobbi, T. Mennini, S. Garattini
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Can a specific blocker of mechano-sensitive channels be found? Interactions between SAC blocker properties and calcium channel blocker properties in heart cells
Pages 229 -
Caroline Pascarel, Olivier Cazorla, Fabien Brette, Jean-Yves Le Guennec
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Modulation of host immunity by lysozymes active on GALT in mice carrying solid malignant tumours
Pages 239 -
Gianni Sava, Renato Gagliardi, Sabrina Pacor
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The intricate story of nitric oxide as regulator of skeletal muscle activity: a brief report
Mini Review
Pages 247 -
Giorgio Fanò, Pierre Tijskens, Francesco Coscia, Franco Cuccurullo, Giovanni Menchetti
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Brain RNA synthesis in rats with portacaval shunts
Short Communication
Pages 255 -
Krzysztof Helewski, Janusz Konecki, Jashovam Shani
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A possible mechanism underlying skeletal muscle contracture induced by silver and gold ions
Short Note
Pages 259 -
Kenji Nihonyanagi, Toshiharu Oba
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