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Antisense oligodeoxynucleotide technology as an effective tool in elucidating neuropeptide orexigenic mechanisms
Pages 1 -
Robert M. Silva, Richard J. Bodnar
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The UDP-GALNAc: polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase family
Pages 21 -
Laurent Lemaitre, Arnold Boersma, Daniel Tetaert
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Neuropeptides in the cat brainstem
Pages 41 -
R. Coveñas, M. Belda, P. Marcos, M. De León, J. A. Narváez, J. A. Aguirre, G. Tramu, S. González-Barón
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Altered peptide ligands for cancer immunotherapy
Pages 63 -
Fedrica Moschella, Brygida Bisikriska, Kyriakos Papadopoulos, Charles S. Hesdorffer, Paul E. Harris
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Neuropeptides and CNS Na+, K+-ATPase
Pages 75 -
Georgina Rodríguez de Lores Arnaiz, María Graciela López Ordieres
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Cardiovascular activities of natural and synthetic GH secretagogues
Pages 87 -
Fabio Brogilo, Andrea Benso, Cristina Gottero, Flavia Prodam, Carlotta Gauna, Riccarda Granata, Romano Deghenghi, Giampiero Muccioli, Ezio Ghigo
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Regulation of hepatic function by brain neuropeptides
Mini Review
Pages 97 -
Masashi Yoneda, Mieko Kurosawa, Hajime Watanobe, Tadahito Shimada, Akira Terano
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Bovine β-lactoglobulin and other lipocalin as the source of bioactive peptides
Short Communication
Pages 101 -
Jerzy Dziuba, Anna Iwaniak, Marta Niklewicz, Piotr Minkiewicz
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Angiotesin I converting enzyme inhibition kinetic and opioid activities of synthetic alpha-lactorphin
Pages 105 -
Stéphanie Bordenave, Ballandier Isabelle, Frédéric Sannier, Ingrid Fruitier-Arnaudin, Jean-Marie Piot
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Selective potentiation of 5-hydroxytryptamine-elicited coronary contraction by endothelin-1 and the possible role of protein kinase C
Pages 111 -
Yoshio Tanaka, Kazuo Obara, Koichi Nakayama, Katsuo Koike
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Optimization of the separation of metal-binding proteins by size exclusion- and ion exchange-HPLC
Pages 119 -
M. B. de la Calle, G. Bordin, A. R. Rodriguez
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Urocortin actions on the heart
Pages 131 -
Keiichi Ikeda, Katsuyoshi Tojo
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Structure and catalytic properties of 6-hydroxymellein synthase, a multifunctional polyketide biosynthetic enzyme
Pages 135 -
Fumiya Kurosaki
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Laminin and its related peptides on Alzheimer’s disease pathology
Pages 143 -
Akira Monji, Ichiro Yoshida, Sadayuki Bashioka, Ken-ichiro Tashirol
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Extracellular signal transduction in sea urchin embryogenesis: from extracelular matrix to MAP kinase pathway
Pages 149 -
Hideki Katow
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Neutralizing antibodies: a crucial component for protection against HIV?
Pages 161 -
Claudia Devito
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Regulatory peptides involved in the control of intraocular pressure
Pages 171 -
Iok-Hou Pang
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Immunogy of ryanodine receptor and FK506 in myasthenia gravis
Pages 187 -
Masaharu Takamori
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Elevated nuclear Tip60a and NF- κBp65 levels in fragile X syndrome results from altered mRNA binding to FMRP
Pages 201 -
Natalia Dolzhanskaya, Ying-ju Sung, George Merz, W. Ted Brown, Sarah L. Nolin, Abdeselem El Idrissi, Carl Dobkin, Robert B. Denman
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