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Conserved post-translational sites in the fragile X mental retardation protein: functional implications
Pages 1 -
Natalia Dolzhanskaya, Robert B. Denman
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Antibodies to muscle-specific tyrosine kinase and ryanodine receptor in seronegative myasthenia gravis
Pages 11 -
Masaharu Takamori
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The aetiology of coeliac disease and its significance for therapy
Pages 17 -
Hugh J. Cornell
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Antimicrobial peptides produced by Staphylococcus sp. strains isolated in Brazil
Mini Review
Pages 23 -
Maria do Carmo de Freire Bastos, Hilana Ceotto, Janaína dos Santos Nascimento
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Milk protein-derived substance, FP-10, that inhibits adhesion of Helicobacter pylori to gastric mucosa
Mini Review
Pages 29 -
Shigeru Hiramoto, Nobutake Kimura, Yoshio Suzuki
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Clinical effect of conjugated caseinate, FP-10, in controlling intragastric H. pylori status in asymptomatic carriers
Original Communication
Pages 35 -
Takashi Inoue, Hiroshi Nakano, Hidehiko Beppu, Kaoru Kawai, Koji Suzuki, Kan Shimpo, Shigeru Sonoda
Abstract | Buy this article
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Therapeutic intervention using protective molecules for Alzheimer’s disease
Pages 41 -
Etsuro Matsubara
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A model for the mechanism of laminin-mediated neurite outgrowth
Mini Review
Pages 47 -
Avishek Nandi, Benjamin S. Weeks
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Relationships between the physiochemical properties, microbial specificity and antimicrobial activity of a-helical antimicrobial peptides: a statistical investigation
Original Communication
Pages 53 -
Sarah R. Dennison, James Wallace, Frederick Harris, David A. Phoenix
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Programmed cell death 4 (Pdcd4) – a potential target for new approaches in cancer therapy
Mini Review
Pages 63 -
B. Lankat-Buttgereit, R. Göke
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Expression and functional analysis of a magainin 2 gene construct in zebrafish
Original Communication
Pages 67 -
Frank Y. T. Sin, Manal Farg, Ujjal Mukherjee
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Neuropeptides and classical neurotransmitters involved in Parkinson’s disease
Pages 75 -
Felix-Martin Werner, Rafael Coveñas
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Myofibril-bound serine protease
Pages 85 -
Makoto Ohkubo, Tadashi Ishihara, Futoshi Aranishi
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