Current Trends in Immunology
→ Volumes
Published in 2016
 - Complimentary
Table of Contents
1 |
The role of metabolic reprogramming in T cell fate and function
Pages 1 -
Nikolaos Patsoukis, Kankana Bardhan, Jessica Weaver, Christoph Herbel, Pankaj Seth, Lequn Li, Vassiliki A. Boussiotis
Abstract | PDF
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Environmental factors involved in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases
Pages 13 -
Hiroshi Okamoto, Yutaka Okamoto
Abstract | PDF
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The prognostic value of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes in cancer
Pages 27 -
A. H. Mirza, C. H. Ottensmeier, G. J. Thomas, E. V. King
Abstract | Buy this article
4 |
Autoimmune epilepsies in children
Mini Review
Pages 37 -
Deniz Yılmaz, Banu Anlar
Abstract | PDF
5 |
Induction and maintenance of Th2 immune responses by T-lymphocyte-derived microparticle
Original Communication
Pages 43 -
Shosaku Nomura, Michiomi Shimizu, Maiko Niki, Tomoki Ito
Abstract | PDF
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Evaluation of Chenopodium album allergenicity in atopic asthmatics
Original Communication
Pages 55 -
Abeer Abd El-Aziz, Mona Shaaban, Amany Atwa, Amina Abd El-Maksoud
Abstract | PDF
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Current understanding on the development and functions of follicular dendritic cells
Mini Review
Pages 65 -
Poljak Ljiljana, Tvrdeić Ante
Abstract | Buy this article
8 |
Interleukin 6 (-174 G/C) and transforming growth factor β-1 (+915 G/C, +869 T/C) gene polymorphisms in patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
Original Communication
Pages 73 -
Roba M. Talaat, Zainab M. Almolakab, Ehab H. Mohamad, Sherif M. Ekladious
Abstract | Buy this article
9 |
Immunosequencing: Accelerating discovery in immunology and medicine
Pages 85 -
K. Wolf, R. DiPaolo
Abstract | PDF
10 |
Emerging immunotherapeutics in adenocarcinomas: A focus on CAR-T cells
Pages 95 -
Mahboubeh Yazdanifar, Ru Zhou, Pinku Mukherjee
Abstract | Buy this article
11 |
Therapeutic potential of the heme oxygenase-1 inducer hemin against Ebola virus infection
Original Communication
Pages 117 -
Hanxia Huang, Krishnamurthy Konduru, Veronica Solovena, Zhao-Hua Zhou, Namita Kumari, Kazuyo Takeda, Sergei Nekhai, Sina Bavari, Gerardo G. Kaplan, Kenneth M. Yamada, Subhash Dhawan
Abstract | PDF
12 |
Defective iron homeostasis in human immunodeficiency virus type-1 latency
Original Communication
Pages 125 -
Hanxia Huang, Zhao-Hua Zhou, Rewati Adhikari, Kenneth M. Yamada, Subhash Dhawan
Abstract | PDF