Current Topics in Virology
→ Volumes
Published in 2011
 - Complimentary
Table of Contents
1 |
Overview of viral persistence on food surfaces
Pages 1 -
Rocío Morales-Rayas, Julie Jean
Abstract | PDF
2 |
Transmissibility of HIV-1 subtype and Env domains: Lesson from pathogenetic studies and implication for vaccine design and therapeutic interventions
Pages 19 -
Alessandra Borsetti, Maria Teresa Maggiorella, Leonardo Sernicola, Fausto Titti
Abstract | Buy this article
3 |
NS5A interacting proteins and progress in anti-hepatitis C virus research
Pages 27 -
Atsuko Masumi
Abstract | PDF
4 |
Analysis of hepatitis C variability by cloning and sequencing: Technical recommendations
Mini Review
Pages 35 -
Rémy Moenne-Loccoz, Aurélie Velay, François Habersetzer, Michel Doffoël, Jean-Pierre Gut, Thomas F. Baumert, Françoise Stoll-Keller, Evelyne Schvoerer
Abstract | PDF
5 |
The importance of temperature for medical science
Pages 43 -
Kulkanya Chokephaibulkit, Guey Chuen Perng
Abstract | PDF
6 |
Progress on the development of universal influenza vaccines
Pages 51 -
Joel F. Aldrich, Richard E. Winn, Michael H. Shearer, Peiyong Qin, M. Nazmul Karim, Ronald C. Kennedy
Abstract | PDF
7 |
Plant virus expression vectors as production platforms for biopharmaceutical proteins
Pages 61 -
Kathleen L. Hefferon
Abstract | Buy this article
8 |
The roles of M- and NS-gene translational products in influenza C virus replication
Pages 69 -
Seiji Hongo, Yasushi Muraki, Yoshitaka Shimotai
Abstract | Buy this article
9 |
Viruses in host evolution: General principles and future extrapolations
Pages 79 -
Luis Villarreal, Frank Ryan
Abstract | Buy this article