Current Trends in Neurology
→ Volumes
Published in 2005
Table of Contents
1 |
Neurotoxins, oxidative stress and regulation of antioxidant enzyme genes in neurons
Pages 1 -
Xia Yuan, M. R. Ven Murthy
Abstract | Buy this article
2 |
Lipid abnormalities and neural dysfunction: hypercholesterolemia and lipoprotein lipase deficiency
Pages 21 -
Pierre Julien, Nathalie Laflamme, M. R. Ven Murthy
Abstract | Buy this article
3 |
Cell transplantation for neurodegenerative and neurotraumatic disorders
Pages 37 -
Mari Dezawa, Naoya Matsumoto, Masayoshi Ohta, Yutaka Itokazu, Yoshihisa Suzuki, Chizuka Ide
Abstract | Buy this article
4 |
Inheritance of dementia with Lewy bodies: comment and review of the literature
Pages 51 -
G. Lepar, A. J. Harding, J. B. J. Kwok, G. M. Halliday
Abstract | Buy this article
5 |
Neurological determinants of the perceptual and cognitive phenotype in fragile X syndrome
Pages 67 -
Cary S. Kogan, Avi Chaudhuri
Abstract | Buy this article
6 |
The role of nitric oxide in neurodegenerative diseases and dementia
Pages 81 -
Marong Fang, Mingwei Wang, Renshi Qing, Lihong Zhang, Jicheng Li, David T. Yew
Abstract | Buy this article
7 |
Adult neurogenesis in mammals: a comparative approach
Pages 91 -
Luca Bonfanti, Federico Luzzati, Giovanna Ponti, Paolo Peretto
Abstract | Buy this article
8 |
Malignant hyperthermia, a pharmacogenetic disorder of excitation-contraction coupling
Pages 101 -
Kay Ohlendieck
Abstract | Buy this article
9 |
The process from internal stimulus to movement initiation
Original Communication
Pages 109 -
H. Gemba, K. Nakao, R. Matsuzaki, S. Kyuhou
Abstract | Buy this article
10 |
Grip and load force control when grasping objects in a patient with unilateral basal ganglia damage
Original Communication
Pages 125 -
Adam Dubrowski, Eric A. Roy, Sandra E. Black, Heather Carnahan
Abstract | Buy this article
11 |
Rapid detection and subtyping of herpes simplex virus DNA in CSF by means of LightCycler PCR
Original Communication
Pages 133 -
Hideto Nakajima, Toshiaki Hanafusa, Toshimasa Nakagawa, Akira Shimizu
Abstract | Buy this article
12 |
Relationship between chemokine receptor expressions on CD4 T cells, Th1/Th2 balance, and interferon beta-1b therapy in patients with relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis
Original Communication
Pages 137 -
Hideto Nakajima, Kazuhiro Fukuda, Masakazu Sugino, Fumiharu Kimura, Toshiaki Hanafusa, Toshiyuki Ikemoto, Akira Shimizu
Abstract | Buy this article
13 |
Stress and monoamine axon plasticity
Mini Review
Pages 143 -
S. Nakamura, Y. Liu
Abstract | Buy this article