Current Trends in Neurology
→ Volumes
Published in 2015
 - Complimentary
Table of Contents
1 |
The alpha-theta-gamma (ATG) switch: Toward unified principles of cortical processing
Pages 1 -
Sam M. Doesburg, Lawrence M. Ward, Urs Ribary
Abstract | PDF
2 |
Predictive value of a non-invasive assessment of arterial stiffness for identifying undiagnosed coronary artery disease in patients in neurological rehabilitation following their initial ischemic stroke
Original Communication
Pages 13 -
Helge Matrisch, Carmen Theek, Isolde Schmidt-Eichner, Peter Frommelt, Felix Schlachetzki, Karin Pfister
Abstract | PDF
3 |
Changing profiles of acute stroke in very old patients: Results from the Sagrat Cor Hospital of Barcelona Stroke Registry over a 24-year period
Original Communication
Pages 27 -
Adrià Arboix, Maria Pizarro, Susana Fontana, Joan Massons, Luís García-Eroles, Emili Comes, Montserrat Oliveres
Abstract | Buy this article
4 |
Transformation of resident microglia into phagocytic cells in the transected and cycloheximide-treated rat facial nucleus
Original Communication
Pages 37 -
Kazuyuki Nakajima, Shinichi Yamamoto, Yosuke Takezawa, Shinichi Kohsaka
Abstract | PDF
5 |
Neuropathology and pathogenesis of multiple system atrophy: an update
Mini Review
Pages 45 -
Kurt A. Jellinger
Abstract | Buy this article
6 |
Diabetic central neuropathy: A complication of diabetes that affects cognition
Pages 55 -
John I. Malone
Abstract | PDF
7 |
Transitional issues for adolescents with epilepsy
Pages 65 -
Erika Takle Axeen, Jennifer E. Langer
Abstract | PDF
8 |
Usage of stem cells, neurokines and biomaterials for the repair of peripheral nerve injury
Pages 75 -
Li-Hsun Chang, Chi-Feng Su, Su-Liang Chen, Shu-Wen Chiu, Hung-Yu Lin, Don-Ching Lee, Yi-Chao Hsu, Ing-Ming Chiu
Abstract | PDF
9 |
Quality of life in patients with benign epilepsy with centro-temporal spikes
Original Communication
Pages 85 -
Brinciotti Mario, Panunzi Sara, Matricardi Maria
Abstract | PDF
10 |
Neuroprotection with the red pepper agent capsaicin
Pages 97 -
Genevieve M. Fong, Shane Antao, Adrina Varda, Joanne M. Dennis, Paul K. Witting
Abstract | PDF
11 |
Modulation of visceral nociception in female primary afferent neurons
Mini Review
Pages 111 -
Victor Chaban
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