Current Topics in Biotechnology
→ Volumes
Published in 2007
Table of Contents
1 |
Current advances in cost efficient polyhydroxyalkanoate production
Pages 1 -
Koller Martin, Hesse Paula, Bona Rodolfo, Kutschera Christoph, Atlić Aid, Braunegg Gerhart
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2 |
Microbial conversion mechanism of D,L-2-amino-∆2-thiazoline-4-carboxylic acid to L-cysteine in Pseudomonas species and its application
Pages 15 -
Tetsuo Ohmachi
Abstract | Buy this article
3 |
Preclinical investigations of a medium-chain triglyceride: fish oil emulsion. II. Lipoprotein lipase-catalyzed hydrolysis of long-chain polyunsaturated ω3 fatty acids
Original Communication
Pages 25 -
W. J. Malaisse, L. Portois, Y. A. Carpentier
Abstract | Buy this article
4 |
DNA microarray analysis of differentiation-associated changes in gene expression of HL-60 cells
Pages 39 -
Takuji Suzuki, Yu Koyama, Satoko Isemura, Mamoru Isemura
Abstract | Buy this article
5 |
White-rot fungi, new biotechnological tools for a cleaner environment
Mini Review
Pages 49 -
L. Levin, F. Forchiassin
Abstract | Buy this article
6 |
Microbial bioconversion for pharmaceuticals and chiral intermediates
Mini Review
Pages 57 -
Maria Antonieta Ferrara, Paulo Sergio Bergo de Lacerda, André Freitas, Elba Pinto da Silva Bon
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