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Intracellular mechanism of seizure discharge –Tentative proposal for a new paradigm of preventive therapy against epilepsy
Pages 1 -
Eiichi Sugaya, Aiko Sugaya
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Fetal cardiac control genes: implications for postnatal heart growth and heart disease
Pages 27 -
Alexander T. Mikhailov, Beatriz Nespereira, Mario Torrado
Abstract | Buy this article
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Regulation of cell fates by birth order: insights from research on Drosophila neuroblasts
Pages 39 -
Joachim Urban
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Coordination of joint formation and cartilage differentiation in the appendicular skeleton
Pages 47 -
Ríos-Flores Alberto Jesús, Abarca-Buis René Fernando, Garciadiego-Cázares David, Chimal-Monroy Jesús
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Acquisition of fertilizability through oviduct-induced modification of envelope in Xenopus laevis egg
Pages 55 -
Hideo Kubo
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Oxidative stress and antioxidant defenses in neonatal biology
Mini Review
Pages 65 -
Hirokazu Tsukahara
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The development of endothermy in the Tasmanian bettong (Bettongia gaimardi), a marsupial: an overview
Mini Review
Pages 71 -
R.W. Rose
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Vasoactive and natriuretic factors in neonatal biology
Mini Review
Pages 77 -
Hirokazu Tsukahara
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Molecular analyses in the mouse homolog of Greig cephalopolysyndactyly syndrome (GCPS)
Mini Review
Pages 83 -
Ken-ichi Ohta, Ichiro Naruse, Mizuho Maekawa, Etsuko Ueta
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Oxidative stress in the developing rat brain: an immunohistochemical study
Original Communication
Pages 89 -
Noriyuki Shibata, Yoichiro Kato, Makio Kobayashi, Tomoko Yamamoto
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Heat shock proteins: molecular chaperones as critical players in normal eukaryotic development
Pages 95 -
Patrick H. Krone, Tyler G. Evans
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Hepatocyte growth factor and cell migration in neurogenesis
Pages 107 -
C. Soldati, G. Augusti-Tocco, G. Poiana, S. Biagioni
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Nutritional programming of physiological systems throughout development
Pages 117 -
John J. Robinson, Thomas G. McEvoy, John A. Rooke, Cheryl J. Ashworth
Abstract | Buy this article
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A radical formation of mammalian cumulus-oocyte complex matrix: Synthetic regulation and possible roles of hyaluronan (HA) and HA-binding protein in oocyte meiotic maturation
Pages 131 -
Eimei Sato, Kiyoshi Totsukawa, Naoko Kimura
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Functional genomics and phenotyping of male infertility
Pages 149 -
Paul J. Turek
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Development of dicyemid mesozoans
Pages 155 -
Kazuhiko Tsuneki, Hidetaka Furuya
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