Trends in Developmental Biology
→ Volumes
Published in 2014
 - Complimentary
Table of Contents
1 |
TCDD inhibits spontaneous differentiation in human embryonic stem cells
Original Communication
Pages 1 -
Elyse A. Bolterstein, B. Lynn Allen-Hoffmann
Abstract | PDF
2 |
On the evolution of development
Pages 17 -
John S. Torday
Abstract | PDF
3 |
Immunoreactivity of Mel1a-like melatonin receptor and NRH: Quinone reductase enzyme (QR2) in testudine whole embryo and in developing whole retinas
Original Communication
Pages 39 -
Renata Nunes Silva, Lucia de Fatima Sobral Sampaio
Abstract | PDF
4 |
Genetic deletion of Sirt1 results in a Kallmann syndrome phenotype in mice due to defective GnRH neuronal migration
Pages 47 -
Gabriele Di Sante, Mathew C. Casimiro, Timothy G. Pestell, Ismail Yaman, Agnese Di Rocco, Richard G. Pestell
Abstract | PDF
5 |
Developmental organization of skeletal muscle fiber types and the motor unit
Pages 55 -
Nobuko Hagiwara
Abstract | PDF
6 |
Evolution, structure, and synthesis of vertebrate egg-coat proteins
Mini Review
Pages 65 -
Eveline S. Litscher, Paul M. Wassarman
Abstract | PDF
7 |
Hox gene regulation in vertebrates
Pages 77 -
João Leite-Castro, Pedro Nuno Rodrigues, Renata Freitas
Abstract | PDF
8 |
The contribution of developmental biology to human genetics in the era of next-gen genome sequencing: what are we learning from studying the Kallmann syndrome?
Original Communication
Pages 97 -
Ivan Molineris, Roberto Santoro, Giulia Garaffo, Paolo Provero, Giorgio R. Merlo
Abstract | PDF