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A critical review of the interrelationships between genetics, neurotoxicant exposure, and age at onset of neurodegenerative diseases
Pages 1 -
Marcia H. Ratner
Abstract | PDF
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The wave nature of molecular responses in ecotoxicology
Original Communication
Pages 11 -
F. Gagné
Abstract | PDF
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Comparison of high fructose-induced cardiometabolic impairments in two different rat hypertensive models
Original Communication
Pages 25 -
Anna Zemančíková, Jozef Török
Abstract | PDF
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In vitro genotoxicity and cytotoxicity of cefixime in human peripheral blood lymphocytes
Original Communication
Pages 33 -
Erman Salih İstifli, Mehmet Topaktaş
Abstract | Buy this article
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Serum levels of TGF-β1 and VEGF-A165 in sulfur mustard-exposed patients after 25 years of exposure
Short Communication
Pages 41 -
Bita Najafian, Majid Shohrati, Reza Haji Hosseini, Zahra Ghaderi, Zahra Hamze
Abstract | Buy this article
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DNA methylation of repeated elements and cancer-related genes in normal human liver, and in cancer and non-cancer liver cell lines, treated with 5adC or PCB126
Original Communication
Pages 47 -
D. Desaulniers, G.-H. Xiao, C. Cummings-Lorbetskie, L. Stubbert, C. Parfett
Abstract | PDF
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Assessment of the genotoxic potential of Olusosun landfill leachate using plant and animal bioassays
Original Communication
Pages 75 -
Arojojoye Oluwatosin Adetola, Odunlade Albert Kolawole, Farombi Ebenezer Olatunde
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Health implications of nitrates and nitrites
Mini Review
Pages 85 -
Ching Kuang Chow
Abstract | PDF
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Interactive nature of Pb and Zn in ecotoxicology: A case study of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus)
Original Communication
Pages 93 -
Ololade Isaac Ayodele, Thompson A. Akinnifesi
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Effect of propolis on sub-chronic phenol use-induced toxicity on the lymphatic system and complete blood cell count in rats
Original Communication
Pages 101 -
Said Said Elshama, Hosam-Eldin Hussein Osman, Ayman El-Meghawry El-Kenawy
Abstract | Buy this article
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Use of RNA content to identify reticulocytes in the in vivo micronucleus test in humans
Original Communication
Pages 111 -
Regina Montero-Montoya, Antonio Araujo-Soto, Luis Serrano-García, Carlos Castellanos-Barba
Abstract | PDF