Trends in Cancer Research
→ Volumes
Published in 2017
 - Complimentary
Table of Contents
1 |
DNA methylation and breast cancer: Mechanistic and therapeutic applications
Pages 1 -
Niaz Mahmood, Shafaat A. Rabbani
Abstract | PDF
2 |
Epigenome-wide association studies for breast cancer risk and risk factors
Pages 19 -
Annelie Johansson, James M. Flanagan
Abstract | PDF
3 |
Phenotypical, cell-adhesion, hormonal receptors and cell-cycle-associated markers: an integrated immunohistochemical study on feline mammary lesions
Original Communication
Pages 29 -
Ana Catarina Figueira, Hugo Vilhena, Catarina Gomes, Júlio Carvalheira, Augusto J. F. de Matos, Patrícia Dias-Pereira, Fátima Gärtner
Abstract | PDF
4 |
Targeted anti-glioma therapies currently and recently under investigation
Pages 45 -
Jadith Ziegler, James Battiste, Rheal A. Towner
Abstract | PDF
5 |
Effect of normolipidic dietary fats on antioxidant defence systems and hormonal status in rats with mammary tumours
Original Communication
Pages 73 -
María Jesús Ramírez-Expósito, Cristina Cueto-Ureña, María Pilar Carrera-González, Rafael Sánchez-Agesta, María Jesús García, José Manuel Martínez-Martos
Abstract | Buy this article
6 |
AFPep prevents estrogen receptor-positive breast cancer in ACI rats
Original Communication
Pages 87 -
Wasila Mansouri, Christopher M. Sullivan, Marcela Desemone, James A. Bennett, Thomas T. Andersen
Abstract | PDF
7 |
Prognostic significance of baseline fatigue for overall survival: A patient-level meta-analysis of 43 oncology clinical trials with 3915 patients
Original Communication
Pages 97 -
Jeff A. Sloan, H. Liu, D. V. Satele, S. Puttabasavaiah, J. S. Kaur, J. Hubbard, A. Dueck, P. J. Stella, Jasvinder A. Singh
Abstract | PDF
8 |
How does inflammation drive mutagenesis in colorectal cancer?
Pages 111 -
Chia Wei Hsu, Mark L. Sowers, Willie Hsu, Eduardo Eyzaguirre, Suimin Qiu, Celia Chao, Charles P. Mouton, Yuri Fofanov, Pomila Singh, Lawrence C. Sowers
Abstract | PDF
9 |
Histogenesis of endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer
Mini Review
Pages 133 -
Hiroshi Kobayashi, Sachiko Morioka, Kana Iwai, Emiko Niiro, Mai Kimura, Hajime Fujii, Sumire Sugimoto
Abstract | PDF
10 |
Prevention of oxaliplatin-induced neurotoxicity: good vibrations
Short Communication
Pages 143 -
Gerald M. Higa, Rajesh R. Nair
Abstract | Buy this article
11 |
Colorectal cancer cell interactions with Kupffer cells and sinusoidal endothelial cells within the sinusoids: a key stage in colorectal cancer liver metastasis
Original Communication
Pages 147 -
Konstantinos A. Paschos, Ali W. Majeed, Nigel C. Bird
Abstract | Buy this article