Trends in Comparative Biochemistry & Physiology
→ Volumes
Published in 2006
Table of Contents
1 |
Melatonin as a synchronizer of circadian rhythms in vertebrates and invertebrates
Pages 1 -
Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo, Héctor Solís-Chagoyán, Waskar Egido
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2 |
Changes in the expression of preprosomatostatin and somatostatin receptor mRNAs following seawater transfer and somatostatin-14 injection in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
Original Communication
Pages 13 -
Jayson Poppinga, Jeffrey Kittilson, Mark A. Sheridan
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3 |
Changes in carotenoid content in the respective body parts of frogs specimens in the period of life activity
Original Communication
Pages 21 -
Bazyli Czeczuga, Ewa Czeczuga-Semeniuk, Adrianna Semeniuk
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4 |
Fibrillin-rich microfibrils ultrastructure and tissue elasticity
Pages 31 -
Véronique Siegler, Tim Wess
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5 |
The epiphysial complex, melatonin and the time-keeping system in non-mammalian vertebrates
Pages 45 -
J. A. Madrid, C. Barriga, A. B. Rodríguez, R. V. Rial
Abstract | Buy this article
6 |
Molecular phylogeny of primitive echinoids, Cidaroida and Diadematoida
Pages 123 -
Norimasa Matsuoka
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