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Occurrence of D-aspartic acid in animal tissues and its role in the nervous and endocrine systems
Pages 1 -
Antimo D'Aniello, M. Maddalena Di Fiore, George Fisher
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Fatty acid-binding proteins. Chronological description and discussion of hypotheses involving their molecular evolution
Pages 23 -
Jose A. Santomé, Santiago M. Di Pietro, Brian M. Cavagnari, Osvaldo L. Córdoba, Esteban C. Dell’Angelica
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Amino acid metabolism in the small intestine
Pages 39 -
Guoyao Wu
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4 |
Dynamic cells: temporal organisation and control of phosphorylation
Pages 75 -
K. D. Hammond, R. Bhoola, U. Bodalina, D. A. Gilbert
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Atrial natriuretic peptides within invertebrates and plants
Pages 89 -
David L. Vesely
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Structure and function of mammalian α-L-fucosidases
Pages 105 -
Jack A. Alhadeff
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Effect of thyroid hormone on electrical activity of heart
Pages 119 -
Paola Venditti, Sergio Di Meo
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Pharmacological consequences of polyamine inhibition in Trypanosomatids
Pages 137 -
R. Balaña-Fouce, B. L. Tekwani, R. M. Reguera, C. Ordóñez, J. C. Cubría, D. Ordóñez
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Biochemical and molecular studies on metallothionein in Antarctic aquatic organisms
Pages 153 -
Rosaria Scudiero, Vincenzo Carginale, Clemente Capasso, Peter Kille, Elio Parisi
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Molluscan cell culture
Pages 165 -
Aisling Power, Maire F. Mulcahy, David Sheehan
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The regulation of insect phenoloxidase activity
Pages 177 -
Takuji Tsukamoto
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A comparative biochemistry of enzymes for IMP catabolism and hypoxanthine reutilization With special reference to the comparison of uricotelic and ureotelic organisms
Pages 189 -
Roichi Itoh
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Ca2+/calmodulin-regulated protein kinases in insects
Pages 201 -
Michael Fährmann, Gernot Beinbrech
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Systematic analysis of the nature of histone genes in the chicken DT40 B cell line using gene targeting techniques
Pages 211 -
Tatsuo Nakayama, Yasunari Takami
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Structural stability of fish myosins
Pages 219 -
Masahiro Ogawa, Takahide Tsuchiya
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Ovarian opioid system in non-mammalian vertebrates
Pages 227 -
Oliana Carnevali, Gilberto Mosconi
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Melatonin and aging: relationships between melatonin and detoxifying enzimes
Pages 235 -
Marta I. Pablos, Jose M. Recio, Maria T. Agapito
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The biological roles of legume seed vicilins (7S storage proteins)
Pages 241 -
Katia Valevski Sales Fernandes, Jose Xavier-FiIho
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The regulation of the fructose-6-phosphate/fructose-1,6-bisphosphate cycle in marine mussels. Effects of environmental hypoxia
Mini Review
Pages 247 -
M. J. Diaz-Enrich, I. Ibarguren, J. L. Rodriguez, J. A. Villamarín, R. Barcia, J. Cao, M. Fernandez, J. I. Ramos-Martínez
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Stress-activated protein kinases (JNK/SAPKs) of mammalian brain
Mini Review
Pages 255 -
Miguel A. Chinchetru, Emilio Casanova, Pedro Calvo
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Relationship between the development of the cerebral masticatory center, ingestive behavior and tooth eruption during the weaning period in puppies
Mini Review
Pages 261 -
Mitsuo linuma, Shinichi Ikuno, Sadahiro Yoshida, Masaya Funakoshi
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Effect of temperature on glycogen phosphorylase activity of Mytilus galloprovincialis mantle tissue
Short Communication
Pages 267 -
Fuencisla San Juan Serrano, Pilar Suarez Alonso, Marta Lombraña Tascon, L. Oscar Garcia Martin
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