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Gravity orientation of comb building by hornets and wasps – a review
Pages 1 -
Jacob S. Ishay, Luba Litinetsky
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Environmental salinity and phospholipid metabolism in euryhaline fish
Pages 27 -
Georges Zwingelstein, Gerard Brichon, Jacques Bodennec, Nabil Abdul-Malak
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Nucleus isthmi, a satellite visual center of the optic tectum in amphibians: anatomy, physiology and behavioral function
Pages 43 -
Frederic Gaillard
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Phylogenetic relationships of two sea-urchin families, Temnopleuridae and Echinometridae from Japan based on allozyme variation
Pages 79 -
Norimasa Matsuoka
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Differential location of angiotensin II receptor subtypes and potential effects of their antagonists on cardioprotection in a rat heart model
Pages 91 -
Anwar B. Bikhazi, Khalil M. Bitar, Nuhad E. Abou Zeid, Wael A. Jaroudi
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Pancreatic enzyme secretion in avian species
Pages 99 -
Atsushi Murai, Mitsuhiro Furuse
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Vitellogenesis and its endocrine control in decapod crustaceans
Pages 105 -
Milton Fingerman, Shea R. Tuberty
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Growth factor-mediated cell signalling in bivalve cells
Pages 117 -
L. Canesi, C. Ciacci, G. Gallo, M. Betti
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Effect of photoperiod and irradiance of light-dark cycles on metabolism and behaviour of two species of crayfish
Pages 129 -
Ma. Elena Duran-Lizarraga, Maria Luisa Fanjul-Moles
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The sun and the magnetic field in the orientation of equatorial sandhoppers
Pages 137 -
A. Ugolini
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Effects of fatty acids on exocrine and endocrine functions of the ruminant
Pages 147 -
K. Katoh, Y. Obara
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Effects of heat stress on bovine ovarian functions
Mini Review
Pages 159 -
David Wolfenson
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Spermine induces precocious development of the spleen in WISTAR rat
Mini Review
Pages 165 -
E. Heinen, G. Dandrifosse, O. Peulen, C. Galopin, O. Jolois
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