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Self-control of heart rhythm in some invertebrates
Pages 1 -
Arinobu Ebara, Hisashi Ohshima
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Egg-associated molecules which modulate sperm metabolism: Their structure, function and biosynthesis
Pages 11 -
Norio Suzuki
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Protein turnover in animals: New approaches and application
Pages 21 -
Tatsuo Muramatsu
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Reactive oxygen species and their detoxification in animal tissues
Pages 39 -
Peter Johnson
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Isozymes as probes of aberrant gene expression during the development of interspecific hybrids
Pages 55 -
Jack S. Frankel
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Control of the movements of iridophores of the paradise goby Rhinogobius giurinus
Pages 63 -
Tetsuro Iga
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Chronobiology of unicells: Multiplicity of frequencies, non-oscillatory states, photoperiodism and effects of biogenic amines
Pages 71 -
Rüdiger Hardeland, Ivonne Balzer
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Ontogenic variations in the intestinal transport process
Pages 89 -
M. P. Vinardell
Abstract | Buy this article
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Association of opioid peptides and of their hydrolysis fragments to immunocompetent cells
Pages 99 -
L. Giorgio Roda, Mario Marini, Alessandra Urbani, Lucilla Bongiorno, Clara M. Ausiello
Abstract | Buy this article
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Phylogeny of the neuroendocrine - immune orchestra
Pages 111 -
Enzo Ottaviani, Claudio Franceschi
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Calcium turnover through a mineralizing - demineralizing epithelium in the terrestrial crustacean Orchestia during molting
Pages 121 -
Jean - Claude Meyran, Francois Graf
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12 |
Phosphorylated proteins from anuran intestinal brush border membranes correlation between the degree of protein phosphorylation and the calcium absorption
Pages 139 -
H. EL Maraghi-Ater, J. Mesnard, Y. Dupuis, J. Hourdry
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Nociception and pain in birds
Pages 147 -
Michael J. Gentle
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Molecular studies on the phylogeny and evolution of echinoderms
Pages 155 -
Norimasa Matsuoka
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The genetic amplification of muscular AMP deaminase: Towards the identification of evolutionary steps
Pages 171 -
Jean P. Raffin, Marie T. Thebault, Lahoucine Izem
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Comparative studies on adenosine deaminases in marine bivalved molluscs
Pages 183 -
Toyoo Aikawa
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Regeneration Birth of Experimental Zoology, Physiology, Recent Research Trends
Pages 201 -
Stauros Koussoulakos, Vassili Kiortsis
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Somatosensory innervation of the lumber spine and adjacent tissues. A review of the electrophysiological studies
Pages 219 -
Toshihiko Yamashita, Yasuhiko Minaki, Seiichi Ishii, John M. Cavanaugh, Albert I. King
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Electrolyte transport in lizard intestine: Cellular mechanisms and regulatory aspects
Pages 229 -
A. Bolaños, M. Díaz, P. Badía, T. Gómez, A. Lorenzo
Abstract | Buy this article
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Ultrastructure of crustacean nervous abdominal ganglia
Pages 245 -
Jordi Cuadras
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The systematic of the scorpions: An immunological approach
Pages 267 -
Philippe Billiald, Max Goyffon
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Serotonin in early embryogenesis
Pages 281 -
Kenneth M. Brown, Katherine G. Anitole
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Energy metabolism of fish under hydrostatic pressure: A review
Pages 289 -
Philippe Sebert
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Arsenobetaine and its fate in marine ecosystems
Pages 319 -
Ken’ichi Hanaoka, Shoji Tagawa, Toshikazu Kaise
Abstract | Buy this article
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Biochemistry of the nematode cuticle
Pages 335 -
R. H. Fetterer, M. L. Rhoads
Abstract | Buy this article
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On the structure and function of some newcastle disease virus envelope proteins
Pages 347 -
Enrique Villar, Adolfo García- Sastre, Isabel Muñoz - Barroso, César Cobaleda, Jose A. Cabezas
Abstract | Buy this article
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Regulation of expression of mammalian testis histone genes
Pages 365 -
S. R. Grimes, S. A. Wolfe, D. A. Koppel, L. A. Fogelfeld
Abstract | Buy this article
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Effect of anesthetic agents on hepatobiliary function and biotransformation
Pages 377 -
John B. Watkins III, Sunita G. Sastry
Abstract | Buy this article
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Fish hemoglobins: The family Mugilidae (Perciformes)
Pages 385 -
Martino Rizzotti
Abstract | Buy this article
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The role of fructose-2, 6-bisphosphate and fructose-1, 6-bisphosphate in glycolysis regulation of sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.) muscle
Pages 393 -
M. C. Serradilla, M. L. Pérez, M. J. Herranz
Abstract | Buy this article
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Physiological regulation of glycolysis in sea bass muscle. Kinetic and regulatory properties of phosphofructokinase
Pages 401 -
M. C. Serradilla, M. J. Herranz, M. L. Pérez
Abstract | Buy this article
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Localization of calcitonin gene related peptide and its receptors in fishes
Pages 411 -
Fouchereau -Peron Martine, Arlot - Bonnemains Yannick
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Metabolism of 2,3-bisphosphoglyceric acid in erythroid cells and tissues of vertebrates
Pages 421 -
José Carreras, Carme Gallego
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Neural generation and modulation of feeding behaviour in the pond snail Lymnaea stagnails
Pages 451 -
C. R. McCrohan
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GTP-binding proteins in human platelets
Pages 463 -
Koh-ichi Nagata, Yoshinori Nozawa
Abstract | Buy this article
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Endocrine pancreatic control of blood glucose homeostasis in raptors
Pages 483 -
Merlyn C. Minick
Abstract | Buy this article
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Urate in decapod crustaceans: Its role in nitrogen excretion and oxygen transport
Pages 501 -
François H. Lallier
Abstract | Buy this article
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Gonadotropin - releasing hormone structure and the neuroendocrine regulation of reproduction in the cartilaginous fish
Pages 509 -
David A. Lovejoy
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Monoaminergic sytems: Development and interactions with endocrine systems
Pages 521 -
Maria Luisa Leret, Maria Isabel Gonzalez
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Lipid metabolism in relation to fatness in birds (Comparison of lean and fat chickens)
Pages 531 -
Philippe Legrand, Philippe Lemarchal
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Comparative biochemistry of molecular species of fish and mammalian collagens
Pages 557 -
Kenji Sato
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Toxic metals, the environment and terrestrial macroinvertebrates
Pages 569 -
M. P. Ireland
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Increased insulin action in adult rats submitted to protein calorie undernutrition
Pages 583 -
F. Escrivá, J. Cacho, B. Portha, A. M. Pascual-Leone
Abstract | Buy this article
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Flight and echolocation in bats: coupling, and constraints on optimal design
Pages 595 -
Gareth Jones
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Parallel processing and learning in vertebrate, invertebrate and theoretical sensory networks
Pages 607 -
H. Schiff, C. Sertorio
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Neurobiology of the circadian clock of crayfish
Pages 635 -
Beatriz Fuentes-Pardo, Jesús Hernández Facón
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